Jacky Sherman

The Consultant's Consultant

07970 638857


Promoters: Yes, We Like To Have Fun

But we're more than just party animals ...



I first wrote this blog for New Year a couple of years ago as it is definitely a celebration that was made for us Promoters. It's all about the new, going forward, fun, excitement, kissing, fireworks and lots and lots of people; preferably some you know and some who you just know are going to be great to introduce into your circle ...

You should always invite a Promoter to your events!

You should always invite a Promoter to your events!

copyright: rawpixel / 123rf stock photo

If that freaks you out, all I can say is "Ba Humbug! Get a Life!" We all need to lighten up a bit and add some exclamation marks to how we do business!

"To get a tiny bit more serious, in this last of my four blog posts on behavioural styles, I want to introduce you to the Promoters!"

As this is my preferred style, it will be easy for me to get carried away with my own enthusiasm. Bear with me and forgive the poor grammar and odd mistake, just try to get the gist of what I am saying.

We Promoters are fast-paced people people. We seem to know everyone and if we don't know them already what a wonderful opportunity to get to know them. And what's more, we are delighted with the chance to introduce them to you too.

You need us in your network for lots of reasons. Firstly, we add energy and secondly, we will make sure you're included. Thirdly, we make the connections you didn't even realise were there! (OK, with some reluctance it's time to lose the exclamation marks)

So what's the best way to get us on your side? We love stories and anecdotes. So tell me stories that demonstrate how what you do helps other people. Those of you who have met me will surely recognise this. If you drone on about what you do I glaze over. It's not that I'm not interested, it's that I don't process the information that way.

Give me an anecdote about a client problem and what a difference your product or service made and I perk up. I suddenly get it and often pull out a new angle there and then that you hadn't thought about. I'm off and running, thinking about who I can introduce you to who can help you. I rarely come away from a meeting without a promise to introduce you to someone.

The trouble is that I do this all the time with more and more new people. It's really easy for me to get distracted with my new chums, and yes, I know I shouldn't, but they are so interesting. If you want to build a more meaningful relationship with me - one that turns into real opportunities - then you need to hold my attention.

What the best way of doing that? Take the initiative and keep in touch, give me attention, reciprocate and recognise my contribution. Givers Gain® was invented for us Promoters.

Here comes an anecdote about two people I helped. One I gave some advice that turned a relationship on its head and led to business. He went out of his way to keep me informed about it going forward, and publicly thanked me at a networking event, including a testimonial. I'm highly motivated to help him again.

The other person I helped, I gave a referral for that turned into business, and she has never so much as given a squeak of thanks or feedback despite me asking. Oh well, never mind, move on; there are plenty more people to connect who will acknowledge me.

"Would you like to learn more?"

If you would like to learn more about how your behavioural style is affecting your referrals and, more importantly, use this knowledge to your advantage? Follow the link asentivcommunicate.eventbrite.co.uk.

Until next time ...


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07970 638857