Jacky Sherman

The Consultant's Consultant

07970 638857


Referral Marketing Skills From A Master

Wise words from Julie Futcher ...



When I asked Julie Futcher, the Sales Manager, to write about referral marketing, I knew I'd get a gem. Do read on for an excellent example of how to get yourself referred ...

Julie Futcher, the Sales Manager, writes about referral marketing this week!

Julie Futcher, the Sales Manager, writes about referral marketing this week!

For a busy small business owner, I learnt very quickly that referrals are one of the best sources of new business. The person referred to you wants to talk to you, and they have been told how good you are. In some cases, and it has happened to me, they decide to work with you before you have even contacted them.

"All of this without me spending lots of time and energy to bring in a new lead!"

This happened to me last year. It was a significant piece of business to me at the time and has led to repeat business and a long-term relationship with this client.

So how did I get this referral? Well, as all best stories start ... are you sitting comfortably? Then I will begin.

One of my business development strategies was (and still is) to attend networking events. I met a lovely lady at one of these events, we had a nice chat about her and the business she worked for.

I was the 'star turn' and had been given the opportunity to deliver a small training session to the group, of which this lady actively participated. Everything went well, the event ended, and that was that.

"Roll the clock forward several months!"

Out of the blue, I received an enquiry to deliver sales training to a large corporate company. I followed it up by picking up the phone and speaking to the contact. It turned out to be the lady I had met several months earlier at the networking event.

She had changed companies since we met and had remembered me. In fact, she had been following me on social media, and when her new employer was looking for sales training, she immediately put my name forward. I expected to have to attend a meeting and to provide a quote, but no ... she booked three days training there and then over the phone.

She chose me because when we met, she felt that I had been very supportive and made her first networking event easier. She admitted to being severely nervous at the time, and the fact that I had chatted with her helped to put her at ease.

She also felt that having seen me deliver the training and following my social media posts had confirmed to her that I knew my stuff.

"And that referral is still paying
dividends today!"

Like Julie, if you integrate your marketing activities in person and online, you can practice Givers Gain® with small acts of kindness to others whenever you can. Just like Julie did with the nervous lady at her first networking group.

If you want a consummate professional to work with your sales team, call Julie on 01604 532004 or visit her website at http://thesales-manager.co.uk to read more about how she can help you.

Until next time ...


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