Jacky Sherman

The Consultant's Consultant

07970 638857


Jacky Sherman

Collaborate To Generate Amazing Business

It's a fundamental part of referral marketing ...

Posted on: 21/01/2015   By: Jacky Sherman

And it's very good for your business! This week I'm going to hand over to Paul Green to explain the collaborative venture he has initiated and that I am thrilled to be part of ...

I believe it models some great learning about collaboration that I've highlighted in my referral tip for this week at the end of the blog.

The Idea: Someone has to have the idea and in this case it was Paul.

"Whilst the concept of peer-to-peer groups is not new, the idea of the Business Growth Boardroom (BGB) has some unique elements and has been knocking about in my head for about a decade after I first came across Napoleon Hill's book: Think And Grow Rich.

What struck me about Napoleon Hill's book was the way that you could put together a group of peers to share ideas, knowledge and problems for mutual benefit to increase the wealth of a business. Also what you can glean from surrounding yourself by successful people so that you don't have to reinvent the wheel and what confidence this can give you to move forward in life and business.

Combine that idea with my concern about the 'rogue traders' that seem to be offering various consultancy and business advice to small and medium size enterprises, I thought the Business Growth Boardroom would reduce the risk element when looking to grow your business and engage external help."

Surround yourself with successful, like-minded experts.

Have the confidence in your own abilities and the humility to recognise where others can offer more.

"In addition, as a business advisor, I am not an expert in every single aspect of business, no one is. So if you're reading this and you have one holistic business coach/mentor/advisor offering you support for all 'pillars' of your business, I would question that, then advise you to take care.

Therefore, identifying local experts with a pedigree in their specialist subject and a track record to prove it, who would be willing to combine forces to help managing director/owners of local businesses become more successful and profitable seemed to be the logical and effective way forward.

I have already a diverse network of people whose expertise I trust so it was relatively easy to invite them to join me. In fact in some areas I was spoiled for choice."


Be prepared to take ownership and lead the project. Collaborations often flounder when everyone tries to lead and the project runs out of steam rapidly.

"A ship needs a crew, but also a captain - to use the old analogy of making sure that everyone is rowing in the same direction. The role of a facilitator is to allow everyone to have their contribution, but to manage where the project is heading; to steer and guide and to ensure an effective outcome that everyone feels part of."

Take your time and test the concept with your collaborators, other stakeholders and potential clients. Many joint ideas between consultants and small business fail to get off the ground because the concept was not tested out thoroughly first.

"Sometimes, as a small business owner, there can be the tendency to dive in where angels fear to tread and end up with an idea not coming to fruition or it maybe there is a hesitancy due to the uncertainty of whether it will work or not.

Two heads are better than one when it comes to creating, exploring, testing and deciding - so how about ten heads who are all looking to help you be successful in what you do? A problem shared ..."

Ensure that all parties gain from the collaboration.

"Successful business collaborations are built on relationships and coming together in a peer-to-peer group allows all participants to share ideas, bring up issues and learn from each other. There's no point in reinventing the wheel if someone has been there already and 'got the t-shirt'!"

This week's Referral Tip is:

Collaborations are a great way of generating business together. Here are some pointers to help you make them a success.

  1. Surround yourself with successful like-minded experts.

  2. Understand how you differ and complement each other.

  3. Take the time to build trusting relationships.

  4. Seek collaborative projects where you all add value and all gain benefits.

  5. Be prepared to take leadership of the project.

  6. Take the time again to test out the project.

To find out more about The Business Growth Boardroom, click here.

If you would like to talk about how I can help you to generate some amazing business, call me on 07970 638857.

Until next time ...


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