Jacky Sherman

The Consultant's Consultant

07970 638857


Jacky Sherman

How Does Buying Get You More Sales Leads?

The referrer becomes the referred ...

Posted on: 24/07/2013   By: Jacky Sherman

Last week I talked about how networking adds value to your buying decisions. This time, I'll take a different slant on buying. How can buying get you more sales leads by motivating people to refer to you?

Remember the referral triangle? If you're the prospect then it's going to help you get more referrals for your business too!

Remember the referral triangle? If you're the prospect then it's going to help you get more referrals for your business too!

There are 18 ways to motivate your contacts to refer to you and buying is one of them. The most obvious way this works is the pure 'Givers Gain' philosophy - I give you business and you'll reciprocate. The easiest way to do that is to give your contacts your own business and buy directly for them.

Have you thought of extending this to their network too? A few blogs ago I talked about the referral triangle. Within your network you play all three roles.

Sometimes you're the referrer and sometimes you are the recipient of the referral. Do you remember to position yourself as the prospect? Do you check across your network before you buy? If you know, like and trust someone, do you turn to them for recommendations when you're shopping?

If they're well-connected in your local business world, it is highly likely that they will know someone who offers what you want. So how does that help you get more sales leads?

  1. They will be flattered

    It makes people feel good that you value their opinion? It shows you trust and value their judgment. Also that you recognise their networking skills.

  2. They will like you more

    People like the people they have helped more than the people who help them. The psychology goes like this: "I've invested in you (helped you), I only invest in good people that I like and I reckon I'm a good judge of character. Therefore if I've helped you, you must be good and therefore I like you. If you're good and I like you, I will be motivated to refer to you."

    This only works as long as you hold up your end of the bargain and demonstrate how good you are in reality! Let them down and you'll hurt their self-image, which is why it is so difficult to repair the damage when you let down someone who has been trying to help you.

  3. You've given them the chance to help someone in their network

    As an example: you're looking for some help with your IT support. You ask Jane if she knows anyone who can help you. You give her details of what you are looking for. Jane say "You should talk to Fred he does that. And what I like about him is ........."

    That makes Jane sound knowledgeable and concerned to help you. She refers Fred and you give Fred your business. Fred is delighted and reciprocates by giving Jane a referral too. Jane is also delighted and she is now more motivated to help you by referring to you!

  4. You've modelled great networking behaviour

    People copy people. By modelling a great referral process you make it more likely that Jane and Fred will both give referrals in the future. And who will they be thinking about? Well, you, of course! Modelling behaviour is a whole blog in itself so more on that another time.

My tip this week is this: when you're shopping for goods and services, both for your business and privately, turn to the best referral sources you have for recommendations. It will be good for your business and help you generate more sales leads.

If you'd like to learn more about the 18 ways to motivate your contacts to refer more sales leads to you then it may feel like a great idea to get in touch! Call me on +44 (0) 7970 638857 or click here to ping over an email and I'll call you right back.

Until next time ...


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