Jacky Sherman

The Consultant's Consultant

07970 638857


Jacky Sherman

Networking Tips: Collaborate To Motivate

It's a lot more powerful than you think ...

Posted on: 30/10/2013   By: Jacky Sherman

There are 16 ways to build a strong referral relationships with people in your network. One way to do this is to collaborate together on a project. Collaboration means both parties contribute their skills and knowledge and both parties gain from the result ...

The Ritz in Kettering is a great venue and I'm pleased to be working with Gillian Green to host my Link And Learn events!

The Ritz in Kettering is a great venue and I'm pleased to be working with Gillian Green to host my Link And Learn events!

What better way can there be to develop a strong relationship? This week I thought I would share with you one collaboration I am working on within the events industry. All events are collaboration in action.

What made me choose to collaborate with Gillian Green at the Kettering Ritz to run my Link and Learn event for events suppliers?

  • We both had a good business reason to collaborate

    As everyone in the events industry knows, running a successful event relies on many businesses collaborating to achieve success so choosing the right partners is vital. From a referral marketing perspective, success will result in increased trust and a continuing flow of business between those partners. Gillian runs a superb venue in Desborough and is constantly looking for innovative ways of promoting her services.

  • We wanted to help the other person to succeed too!

    Gillian is also a member of the NNcoNNect networking group in Northampton that I attend. As members, we are both looking for ways we can help others develop their business. Gillian did a 45 seconds presentation in the meeting looking for people to help her promote her venue. As a fellow member of the group I knew she was credible as she is highly professional. I was open to helping her and was confident we could work together. Gillian felt the same way.

  • We both have something to offer the collaboration

    And that was something that the other person doesn't have. Gillian has a perfect venue for running workshops and lots of contacts in the events industry. I also know some people in the industry though my main contribution is that I have the knowledge and training in referral marketing to run the event successfully.

  • We did some early action together

    I see lots of these types of collaboration never getting beyond the ideas stage. That’s OK as some ideas just don't have enough content to sustain them. Gillian and I tested our relationship at her Events Network group. I met some of her contacts and gave a short presentation to demonstrate my skills in return.

  • All of our clients will benefit

    Two weeks ago, I advocated building a referral community that has your clients best interests at the heart. By bringing together our contacts we will enable them the meet new people who they can work with. By adding in new knowledge on referral marketing, we can help them improve their success in getting business by referrals though that relationship. In the words of one of my new clients “it’s a no brainer!

If you're feel you'd like to learn more about how to increase your business through strategic referral marketing then do call me on +44 (0) 7970 638857 or click here to ping over an email because collaboration makes sense and it's a lot more powerful thank you think!

Until next time ...


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