Jacky Sherman

The Consultant's Consultant

07970 638857


Jacky Sherman

To Get More Sales Leads From Networking

It pays to be choosy who you mix with ...

Posted on: 07/08/2013   By: Jacky Sherman

I was reading some of Ivan Misner's blog posts today. Always a good source of inspiration. He reminded me that you can over do the networking and overexposure can backfire on you! I remember when I first started networking ...

pick one core networking group and really get to know everyone well.

pick one core networking group and really get to know everyone well.

Everywhere I went there was this one person who was always there, busily working his way around everyone in the room. After a while I got to mocking him privately to myself, calling him my "serial networker". Then I had one of my "aha moments".

Oh no! If he was at every networking event - and I kept bumping into him - then I was at every networking event. I was a serial networker too! Was I getting lots of business from it? Of course not.

Yes, networking is an essential part of generating new clients by referrals. However, it is to get to know people and, if you want them to help you, for them to get to know you too! Why would you refer someone you don't know? How would you know if they were even able to refer you?

So you are far better investing more time in really getting to know key people who can help you and who you know you can help in return. So my tip this week is to learn from my own mistake and be picky about your choice of networks and who you want to meet there.

  1. Identify the business people who know the sort of clients you want to meet. In earlier blog posts I've talked about identifying your ideal clients and how to choose referral partners.

  2. Choose ONE network group that meet regularly and has some members who fit this criteria. Make this your core group.

  3. Invest in getting to know these people well:

    • Those who know your ideal clients potentially can become your referral partners.

    • The others may refer to you occasionally but more importantly may know people who know your ideal clients.

  4. Supplement this with a couple of other networking events per month:

    • Check that your potential referral partners are represented there.

    • Focus on having conversations with a few people present rather than trying to work the whole room.

If you'd like a short report on how to choose the best networking groups. Then call me on +44 (0) 7970 638857 or click here to ping over an email and I'll send you a copy.

Until next time ...


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