Jacky Sherman

The Consultant's Consultant

07970 638857


Jacky Sherman

What Is A Referral Partner?

Developing the right relationships ...

Posted on: 19/02/2014   By: Jacky Sherman

I got asked this very question the other day and realised I'd fallen into the exact trap I warn others about - using my ''in house'' jargon. A Referral Partner has a very specific meaning in terms of what I teach. She/he is someone who has explicitly agreed to work with you in order to generate business for each other ...

develop the right referral partnerships and watch your sales grow!

develop the right referral partnerships and watch your sales grow!

It's not a legally binding partnership though. It's one based on mutual trust in you as individuals and in the quality of the services or products you both sell. It has no direct financial involvement as it is purely based on reciprocation.

Now, as any family or commercial lawyer will tell you, partnerships are fraught with dangers. So my advice is to take your time before agreeing to become a referral partner and get to know and trust the other person and to test out their business before even suggesting becoming a referral partner. You would want to see evidence that this relationship will result in good business for both sides.

So my tip this week is how to develop that relationship:

  • Identify some people in your network who know the sort of people you want as clients,

  • Get to know them and their business well,

  • Gather information from others about their services,

  • Give them this information about you too!

  • Maybe use them yourself if it's appropriate,

  • Start promoting each other's business (there are 15 different ways to do this),

  • Pass referrals both ways and see the outcome,

  • Then broach the subject of a closer relationship.

You may want to register for my next Referral Pipeline course as well!

If you'd like to know more about how to make these relationships result in high quality referrals time and time again, call me on +44 (0) 7970 638857 or click here to ping over an email because getting referral partnerships right from the start will result in increased sales for you both.

Until next time ...


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