Networking Skills: Focus On Your Gold Dust

It makes sense to focus on your gold dust and spend your networking time with people who will bring you a return on your investment ...

Many of the people in your network will never refer you even if they know the sorts of people you want to meet. So it makes good business sense to focus your referral marketing time on the people who will refer you.

There are two reasons that influence whether people will refer you.

If you plot the people you know across those two axis people will fall into one of four boxes. Then you can decide where to put your networking efforts. You can find out by watching their behaviours and asking a few key questions.

Do they have the skill?

Do they have the will?

On a grid, map out the people in your network who potentially could refer to you. Give them a score 0-10 for both will and for skill, with 10 being the highest. Then you can focus your precious time on your gold dust.

Assess which box others would put you in right now! The best way to attract gold dust people is to be gold dust yourself.

If you'd like to learn more about referral marketing then do give me a call on 0333 335 0416 and let's have a chat and see how I can help you.