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Jacky Sherman

The Consultant's Consultant

07970 638857


Asentiv Mastermind: Work On Your Business, Not In It!

Stay off that hamster wheel ...


Posted by Jacky Sherman on 16/10/2019 @ 8:00AM

It's widely accepted that you should spend more time working on your business than you do working in it, but sometimes we end up on the hamster wheel whether we like it or not. Our new Asentiv Mastermind groups stop that happening ...

My Asentiv Mastermind groups will save you from endlessly running on the hamster wheel of your business!

My Asentiv Mastermind groups will save you from endlessly running on the hamster wheel of your business!

copyright: nexusplexus / 123rf

It's a fact that many small business people don’t really want to run a business. What they want to do is work 'in' the business and use their expertise to earn a living ... without a boss breathing down their neck.

To their horror, they find they are still forced to do all the businessy stuff, whether they like it or not. One morning, they wake up and realise they have jumped off the corporate hamster wheel and onto a new one of their own making.

"Others have the entrepreneurial spirit and ache to be able to take a step back and work on the big plans!"

Sadly, they find themselves sucked into the day to day delivery of their services or production line. After all, if there is no-one else to work the hamster wheel, they’ll have to climb onto it themselves. They often justify this by saying, "it’s only until John/Sue/Bill/Jane get over the flu".

This can appear to be what Charles West Churchman, a systems scientist, called, "a wicked problem". One which is challenging to solve because there is not one single solution. The effort needed to address one aspect often means another problem pops up as a result. However, successful small business owners do solve the hamster wheel problem, so maybe we should demote it from a 'wicked' problem to a 'tricky' one instead, but one that needs more brains than one to tackle it.

"This is where mastermind peer-to-peer learning
can be so valuable!"

The chances are, all the entrepreneurs in the community have faced this problem; some will have resolved it where others may have tried to no avail. Bringing that group’s experience and combined wisdom to play can offer a wider range of solutions than the business owner couldn't generate for themselves even with the help of a coach. The accountability and learning for the individual, and the group as a whole, by trying out solutions and evaluating the outcomes will result in better decisions in the long run.

Oh, and guess what? Mastermind group members take time out of their business to tackle this problem. Maybe the first piece of learning is if the problem hurts enough, the busiest person will find the time to seek a solution?

The discipline of dedicating time to the mastermind community and trained facilitation of the process will ensure these naughty problems are given more than a superficial attempt at resolution, and each member will gain confidence in the value of re-directing time to work 'on' their business rather than being stuck 'in' it, endlessly running on the hamster wheel.

Until next time ...



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