I Don't Need Training, I Know How To Network! | There's always room for improvement ... |
POSTED BY JACKY SHERMAN ON 01/05/2024 @ 9:00AM #TheConsultantsConsultant #Northampton #MiltonKeynes #UK Over the last couple of weeks I have been asked by several people for some help in reviewing their marketing with an emphasis on their networking. That's what I would expect people to ask ... No matter how good you are, there's always room for improvement! copyright: boggy22 / 123rf stock photo What is more interesting is that most of them are already successful and have plenty of clients. However, all of them recognise that being successful is a result of their own personal development and that a coach can help them refine and sustain their efforts even further.
This reminded me of a short anecdote that one of my colleagues used to get the point across. He was talking to someone who stated he didn't need more training in Referral marketing as he was already getting introductions.
He used the analogy of a tennis player. After competing in a match, whether he won or lost, a professional player will analyse his game with his coach.
They notice that he wasn't winning a high percentage of his second serves. So that week, they spend a lot of their time working on perfecting his second serve technique. Then, at the next match, he puts that improved technique into practice and wins more points on his second serve.
It is inconceivable that Roger Federer or Andy Murray would even think "I know how to play tennis so I don't need to practice in between matches. I have nothing new to learn!"
Translating that metaphor to referral marketing works like this: If you get your best business by introductions then think of your networking time as the match and the time you spend with your referral marketing coach as where you shift your skills up a level and start scoring on your second serve. Until next time ...
Would you like to know more? If anything I've written in this blog post resonates with you and you'd want to get into the A-list and master your networking, it may be a great idea to give me a call on 07970 638857. Let's have an initial chat over a coffee and see how I can help. More blog posts for you to enjoy ... | | | | | | | | |
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