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Jacky Sherman

The Consultant's Consultant

07970 638857


Business Networking Tips: Apply Givers Gain®

It's like a kitty at the bar ...


Posted by Jacky Sherman on 12/08/2020 @ 8:00AM

It's likely that when you started networking to find business, you came across the term Givers Gain®, coined by Dr Ivan Misner. It's often interpreted as "I give you business and in return, you give me business" ...

A great business networking tip is to apply Givers Gain®

A great business networking tip is to apply Givers Gain®

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In reality, it is a lot more powerful than that as forming trusting business relationships is more than just passing on opportunities for new clients in a tit-for-tat manner.

Your business network is a wide pool of people who have different knowledge, skills and contacts that they can share with you and you equally can share your knowledge skills and contacts with them.

Between you, each of you will have different priorities and needs at different times. Equally, you will be able to contribute to the help others want in a wide variety of ways, even if you don't know someone who needs their services right now.

My tip for you today is to use the principle of Givers Gain® like a kitty at the bar. You all give into the pot then you each can make withdrawals when you need to.

"Here are some examples of the many deposits and withdrawals I have made over the last few weeks!"

I happened to sit next to T at a business lunch and she introduced herself as a solicitor specialising in contentious probate. I took the opportunity to ask her a question about a will which I thought was going to cause a problem down the line for a member of my family. She gave me some useful information which clarified the situation for me which I was able to pass on. Also, they now know the name of a solicitor who can help should the need arise.

Within the week, a member of my regular network, S, asked at breakfast to meet solicitors who deal with contentious probate. So, I was able to refer him to T.

This equates to 3 deposits and one withdrawal in my kitty:

  • 2 x deposits with T, passing on her name to my family and also to S

  • 1 x deposit with S - introducing him to T

  • 1 x withdrawal - the legal information I sought

Two start-up business partners I met networking came as my guests to a workshop to help them get started with their referral marketing with a follow-up meeting to help them apply what they've learnt. I also introduced them to two network groups I support.

  • That's 6 x deposits into those two relationships, plus another one to P who runs the groups.

I asked J during our strategy meeting for some advice on finding someone to help me with my marketing. The result was a one-to-one meeting with E who spent the time giving me some incredibly valuable tips that will save me time and money by simply tweaking what I am already doing.

When I asked her what I could do for her, all she wanted was for me to apply what she suggested and then report back if it worked. If it works and I anticipate that it will, I will do a lot more than that.

  • 2 x withdrawals for the introduction and valuable information.

K introduced me to D who fits my target market exactly. He signed up for my Asentiv Life® programme almost immediately.

  • 1 x whopping big withdrawal!

I track my activities and know that this pattern repeats over and over. So, don't get disheartened if you don't get referrals from everyone you help. If you maintain positive relationships across the network, in the long run, you probably get out of the kitty what you put in.

Until next time ...



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