Jacky Sherman

The Consultant's Consultant

07970 638857


Jacky Sherman

Santa Claus And The Easter Bunny

And six degrees of separation ...

Posted on: 15/05/2013   By: Jacky Sherman

What do they have in common? The bad news is that they're all myths. Sadly, we're not all connected to everyone on the planet by a chain of six people; the research this was based on was flawed. However, there is some good news I need to tell you about ...

Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny are both myths - so is six degrees of seperation

Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny are both myths - so is six degrees of seperation

The actual statistic is that 29% of people are connected through six degrees of separation and with careful attention to your networking, you can achieve that too.

Fantastic! But ask yourself do you really need to connect to the whole world to grow your business? If you're competing with Google or Facebook then maybe. If you're running a boutique agency in Northampton, or even a UK wide accountancy practice? Maybe not.

Surely, what you want to do is connect to enough of the right people who can refer you to more of your ideal clients? And you probably already know lots of the right people, don't you? It's much more likely that you're simply not taking advantage of the connections you have than have a need for millions of new ones. Do you know - really know - who the people in your network know?

I have only one tip for you this week and it's a big one! Take the time to sit down and talk to the people you know best in business and share descriptions of your ideal clients. See what names pop into both of your heads of people who are similar and make some introductions.

It may be a big world after all, but your corner of it can be 100% connected. Now all you have to do is turn them into referrals don't you? Call me on +44 (0) 7970 638857 or click here to ping over an email because I really can help you get the maximum return from your business networking efforts.

Until next time ...


PS ... if you'd like to hear more about the 29% solution from Dr Ivan Misner then do click here to buy the book from Amazon.

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