Jacky Sherman

The Consultant's Consultant

07970 638857


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3 Ways To Get More Referrals From Your Network

Let's be honest, in most things we do, we cherry-pick. Whether that's good or bad depends on our definition of the term ...


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Networking Myths: You Must Refer People In Your Group

Often when I meet people and get talking about networking they will tell me a story about the networking group they joined ...

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Networking: I Don't Do Small Talk!

It's a common reason given by people who dislike networking because they see the banality of talking about nothing ...

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5 Ways To Signal You're Trustworthy

An essential part of giving and receiving referrals is building enough trust between you and those you network with ...

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Are You Building A Business Or Are You Self-Employed?

I meet a lot of people transitioning from employment to their own business. Many are selling their expertise ...

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What Makes Your Customers Buy From You?

When I started marketing and selling myself, it was pummeled into me to stress what was in it for the client ...

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Not A Natural Networker?

I wasn't a natural networker either. I find rooms full of strangers a daunting experience and am reluctant to go ...

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The Ups And Downs Of Running Your Own Consultancy

Running your own consultancy can be an emotional rollercoaster. I would guess that you'll agree ...

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3 Tips That Lead To Forgiveness

By now, if you 've been reading my blog posts for a while, you will know that referrals grow out of trusting relationships ...

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Networking Skills: The Power Of Patience

Are you like me and get loads of emails and online advertising from people with cheesy ''trust me'' smiles?

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I Hate Networking, It's So Artificial And Superficial

''I hate networking, it's so artificial and superficial.'' I do wonder why they are there if they dislike it so much ...


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Networking Skills: Have It All, Change And Constancy

I'm sure you've noticed that nearly all business writing is about change and doing things differently ...

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Closing The Sale: The Impact Of Decision Fatigue

I recently had a breakfast conversation about a common, frustrating phenomenon called decision fatigue ...

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Consultancy Skills: Persuading Others To Change

A rather depressing statistic is that about 70% of change initiatives fail. The reasons are complex ...

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Stand Out From The Crowd: Be A Specialist

As you can imagine, I go to a lot of networking events and I rarely go to one where there isn't at least one accountant ...

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Networking Skills: The Benefits Of Focus In Your Networking

It's a fundamental networking skill to know whether you should appeal to a wide range of clients, or focus in ...

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The Art Of Pace and Rapport

When I undertook my basic training in the RAF nursing service, we were taken out on the parade ground to learn how to march ...

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The Loneliness Of The Independent Consultant

After the initial hype of starting your own consultancy, the weirdest thing can happen ...

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The Best Way To Get More Sales Leads

Getting referrals means networking with a strategy, so your message is clear and everyone knows who you want to meet ...

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I Don't Need Any More Work At Present!

It's a vindication that your marketing is working, yet it is a dangerous place to be and a crazy thing to say networking ...

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Your Behavioural Style Affects Who Refers To You

You are far more likely to get referral from people who are like you. The problem is, 75% of people aren't like you ...