Jacky Sherman

The Consultant's Consultant

07970 638857


So You Really Hate Networking?

Build your social capital instead ...



If you mean you hate networking in the sense of going to a networking group meeting then don't go. There are many other ways to gain business through personal introductions ...

This week I'm going to hand over to the master of networking, Dr. Ivan Misner. He is always a source of simple ideas born of great experience and in his blog post called 4 steps to building social capital he gives some alternatives.

Have you got an example where just spending some extra time with a colleague, collaborator or client has resulted in amazing business for you?

"Do share with me as I love hearing about your successes!"

And if you'd like to share some social capital then do give me a call on 07970 638857 and let's see how I can help you with your referral marketing, without actually doing any networking.

Until next time ...


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