Jacky Sherman

The Consultant's Consultant

07970 638857


Networking: Follow Up, Follow Up, And Follow Up!

It's all about following up ...



I have lost count on the number of people who tell me that networking doesn't work for them. A subsequent common remark from them reveals one possible reason why ...

You can't just turn up to a networking group once and expect results!

You can't just turn up to a networking group once and expect results!

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They always say "What's the point in joining that group? You just end up seeing the same people every week!" Well, actually that's the point.

Now, most people who have done any kind of meaningful sales training know these statistics:

  • 40% of salespeople never follow up with a prospect

  • 25% make a second contact and stop

  • 12% make three contacts and stop

  • Only 10% make more than three follow-ups


  • only 2% of sales are made on the first contact

  • 3% on the second

  • 5% on the third

  • 10 % on the fourth

  • and 80% on the fifth to the twelfth contact

The same applies with getting referrals. If most people don't buy from you instantly, then they won't refer you instantly either.

In fact, seasoned networkers are probably the slowest to refer you. They're always witnessing people rocking up to their network group and then disappearing again just as quickly, so they wait to see if you're going to stick around.

So your networking group can play a useful function by demonstrating how serious you are in working collaboratively and helping others!

It will introduce you to new people, but equally, it will keep you in touch with the people you have already met in a time efficient manner.

Do your own research. We know that to get referrals means giving referrals. Who was the last person you referred for the first time? How many interactions did you have with them before you referred them? Remember that a true referral is when you introduced them to someone who was in the market to buy what they had to sell. My bet is it was nearer twelve than one. So why expect otherwise from others?

My three tips to get referrals from your networking are: follow up, follow up and follow up.

  1. Follow up with the new people you meet

    If you want to start this relationship then take the initiative. Arrange your next interaction. It might only be to agree to chat at the next meeting, or if there is obvious synergy, you might arrange a full private meeting over coffee. What will you get out of it? You'll get to know each other and discover what you can do next.

  2. Follow up with feedback

    What did you do for each other? If you promised to do something then makes sure you do it and elicit real information on how useful it was. If they did something for you, take the initiative and make sure they know what happened. Remember negative feedback is also useful! There's no point in saying something was wonderful when it wasn't ,and then getting more of the same. Time to exercise a little tact and diplomacy, though.

  3. Follow up by keeping a record

    Write down what you have done for each other and when you plan to meet again. As well as acting as a reminder this can help you notice trends in what gets you results. Lastly, remember the adage that what gets measured gets done.

Remember that networking does work if you follow up, follow up and follow up!

If you'd like to know more about networking and what courses I run to teach you how to get it right, call me on 07970 638857 or click here to send me an email enquiry and let's arrange to meet up.

Until next time ...


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